Time is important. It served to build experience.

The significant time spent by Lana producing paper. Following in the footsteps of Gutenberg, Lana has established itself by supplying exceptional paper since the very early days.
The watermarks testify to a precious intangible cultural heritage. A rare paper machine with a wide hybrid cylinder mould produces excellence.
This rhythm prioritises quality and the production of unique paper, some of which with 100% cotton fibres.
The flawless graphical paper forms a significant part of our production,
bringing the art of specific and targeted correspondence into the present day.
Lana is rooted in premium craftsmanship
Lana is rooted in premium craftsmanship, however it also stands out through its healthy appetite for innovation. The scientific research puts an emphasis on the manufacture of paper with high added value that is both practical and distinctive. The chemists and designers invent and update the recipes that Lana is known for.
The boundaries of the possible are redefined daily in the development of distinctive products in line with customer needs, their design, quality and security desires, and environmental standards.
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